Development Officer Video Training: Charitable Remainder Trusts

< Back to Video Library Charitable Remainder Trusts Our Virtual Planned Giving Specialist, Carla, will walk you through how to discover a Charitable Remainder Trust and all of the benefits they can provide to the donor and the organization simultaneously.

Capitalize on the SECURE Act 2.0

A Reminder to Promote CGAs and CRTs to Your Donors As you are likely aware, the SECURE Act 2.0, signed into law by President Biden in December 2022, has opened up new avenues for charitable giving, particularly for your donors ages 70½ and above. While the Act is now over 6 months old, the awarenessContinue reading “Capitalize on the SECURE Act 2.0”

Maximizing Charitable Impact with CRTs – Part 2

Mastering CRTs With 90% of high-net-worth wealth held in assets other than cash, Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) can unlock generous gifts. Today, we continue our CRT series with strategies to enhance your marketing and technical mastery of CRTs. To that end, we’ve prepared a detailed guide, “Mastering CRTs: Marketing and Technical Expertise,” available for freeContinue reading “Maximizing Charitable Impact with CRTs – Part 2”

Unlocking the Potential of Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) – Part 1

Including a Tip Sheet As many of you approach the next fiscal year, we are writing to encourage Gift Planners to focus your efforts on a crucial and often underutilized gift planning tool: the Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT). Many of your donors regularly sell assets, offering an ideal chance to fund CRTs. Yet, the incidenceContinue reading “Unlocking the Potential of Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) – Part 1”

Overview of the Taxation of Life Income Vehicles: Charitable Remainder Trusts vs. Charitable Gift Annuities

Specific charitable giving techniques provide a unique opportunity for donors to simultaneously support meaningful causes and benefit from income from the gift. Two significant vehicles of charitable giving – Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) and Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs) – offer donors tax benefits, income streams, and the satisfaction of contributing to their chosen charities. ToContinue reading “Overview of the Taxation of Life Income Vehicles: Charitable Remainder Trusts vs. Charitable Gift Annuities”

The Charitable Remainder Trust as the Solution to the SECURE Act Setbacks

The SECURE Act brought one particular cause of concern to many people. It requires non-spouses who inherit IRAs to empty the account within ten years. This mandate removed the stretch IRA, or life expectancy payout, from the arsenal of asset protections. In other words, before the SECURE Act, people with large IRAs could count onContinue reading “The Charitable Remainder Trust as the Solution to the SECURE Act Setbacks”

Testamentary CRUT with Income Between Spouse and Charity

What happens with a testamentary charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT) if the trustee has the discretion to distribute between the charity and the decedent’s spouse? NO estate tax deduction under 2055 (charitable) or 2056 (marital) for discretionary portion. By including an option in a purported charitable remainder trust for the trustee to allocate distributions of theContinue reading “Testamentary CRUT with Income Between Spouse and Charity”

Real Estate Scenarios with Bryan Clontz

Bryan K. Clontz, PhD, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, CAP®, AEP®, RICP®, CBP, ChSNC® Bryan Clontz is the founder and president of Charitable Solutions, LLC, specializing in non-cash asset receipt and liquidation, gift annuity reinsurance brokerage, actuarial gift annuity risk management consulting, emergency assistance funds, as well as virtual currency and life insurance appraisals/audits. He also servesContinue reading “Real Estate Scenarios with Bryan Clontz”

The Demise of the “Stretch” IRA: How Does the SECURE Act Affect Trust Planning for Retirement Benefits? A Step-by-Step Approach to Offer Your Clients a TaxWise Solution

The Demise of the “Stretch” IRA The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was enacted on January 1, 2020. This is the most significant retirement plan legislation since the Pension Protection Act of 2006. As a result, we wanted to share with you what has changed and options available for advisors toContinue reading “The Demise of the “Stretch” IRA: How Does the SECURE Act Affect Trust Planning for Retirement Benefits? A Step-by-Step Approach to Offer Your Clients a TaxWise Solution”